Giving Back

Our foster dog Apple modeling with me.

Our current foster dog Apple modeling with me.

Tis’ the season for shopping, eating and looking at sparkly things. Many of us become caught up in the fast paced rush of the holidays, that we forget that it’s a time to focus on joy, peace and love. The greatest love of all is that which manifested in Jesus’s birth – which is indeed the reason for the season. But how can we, with all the distractions and chaos, re-focus on making it a time of substance?

One way is to give back. Not just by buying presents – but by rolling up our sleeves and jumping into action. What’s your passion? Is it helping people, reaching out to those less fortunate, greening your community or sending provisions overseas to those without? Search yourself to find the topics and causes that make your heart stir. Then, make a plan as a family to do something, to get involved.

Instead of spending Christmas Eve at a dinner table gorging on fruitcake, decide to volunteer at your local food pantry. Instead of going sledding on a Saturday morning, pack up the kids and head down to an animal shelter to dote on homeless pets. Or you can make it even simpler. Look into sponsorship programs where you can put together a gift basket for a family in need. Whether it’s giving of your time or resources – there are so many ways you can make your holiday season about more than gifts and food. By giving back you’ll find that fulfillment is lurking in some of the most unexpected places.

What’s something you can do to pour back into your community? What are some ways in which you plan on volunteering this season?

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