Press: Etsy Blog “Dressing Up…”

Etsy Blog: Dressing Up For a Night out

Imagine my surprise when a friend sent me this link via Facebook Wednesday. “Wow!” Was all I could say! It’s always fun when a feature like this pops up out of nowhere!

A lovely curated list of snazzy outfits and accessories, the “Dressing Up for a Night Out” couldn’t come at a better time. With people choosing and picking outfits for Christmas, holiday parties and New Year’s Eve, the extra press is much appreciated.

View the full Etsy blog post here – and start planning your fancy shmancy get-up today!

Press: Sweet Sincerity

We’re getting more sweatshirt love!

My classic Pierogi Picnic design, “Sugar Free” was featured on the ultra sweet blog Sweet Sincerity in  a spread on fashion pieces for fall. I love the collection as it brings together some adorable and whimsical pieces that really invoke the season. Check out the spread here and enjoy!

Press: Handmade Men

You know it’s truly autumn when all your cool weather items are the hit at every event and are being featured on blogs and treasuries. The latest (and I think greatest) of my designs is currently highlighted on the fantastic site “Handmade Men” which sets to bring the handmade lifestyle to online shoppers.

In a feature entitled “Hot Picks! Handmade Hoodies” they included my “Sir Cycle” upcycled cowl hoodie. This is a piece that I handcrafted for a customer’s boyfriend last winter, and it’s since become one of my all-time favorite designs. So I was thrilled that the creation made it into this style savvy site. Be sure to take some time to explore the entire site for more chic and casual handmade creations.

Press: Homegrown Illinois

It’s incredible how many blogs are out there – scouring the internet for people and small businesses to feature. Each and every time Pierogi Picnic is scooped up for one, I am amazed that in the vast webiverse, I was somehow found.

And Homegrown Illinois is no different! Featuring artisans and people from our grand little state (is it little?) they recently highlighted me and my biz. I am grateful that from all the stories they could have run, they chose me. Check out the article here.


Press: Eco-Minded Chicago

Kelly Lynn O’Brien, the beauty and brains behind Chicago’s newest go-to site for all things green, Eco-Minded Chicago, presented me with the honor of being her first featured designer on the site. Kelly is an inspiration to me on multiple fronts – as a bold vegan, Christian and city-dweller, she embodies the lifestyle I am always striving to achieve, one that’s balanced, authentic and filled with contentment.

Check out my fashion feature on her site, and more importantly, peruse the other contents of the site and you’ll be left feeling inspired and ready to explore the earth-friendly side of Chicago.